Advertising is an essential element of Marketing/Business. A new business needs to promote itself in order to be notice. Otherwise, it would die sooner or later because of the lack of brand awareness. Advertisement attracts attention and brand recognition;more importantly it affects customers everyday by informing them about certain products which affects their beliefs and attitudes towards the company, product and/or service. However, advertisement is quite important in the perception of the business. After a business established its clientele, not every business stresses importance of having a large advertisement budget.
Starbucks is one of those companies that does not follow aggressive advertisement strategies. Today, the coffee company mostly promotes itself through their logo and cups that have a high recognition value and are seen everywhere in NYC and all around the world. Additionally, the brand appearances not only in ever day life but also in the Media and in association with celebrities, promotes the company automatically and free of charge.
Starbucks uses in-store advertisement mainly for their products. They also have a seasonal media schedule where the company advertises a specific beverage that is more likely to be purchased during that specific season of the year, for example the "Pumpkin Spice Latte" which is highly marketed at the moment. Nonetheless, Starbucks is more concerned about institutional advertisement,to point out what Starbucks is about - the experience -.
"Consumers and companies alike are going through profound changes based on complex and challenging economic realities. Everybody is looking for value, but value doesnt just mean whats cheapest, its about whats best for consumers, their families, their communities and the world around them.
Providing this value and living by our ethics is precisely what Starbucks has been doing for nearly 40 years and today we are poised to launch an extensive, long-term campaign to tell that story. As a loyal customer, we want to thank you for being an important part of our story and invite you to be among the first to discover the new campaign. "
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